The Old Connector Articles

Lunch on Clements

Deep Fryer

Deep Fryer

LOC is looking to purchase a new deep fryer. The deep fryer will be greaseless! That way more clients will be able to operate it. Fundraising is underway. There have been car washes and vacuuming services for $5.00 per car every Friday as well as all proceeds from the Thrifty’s fundraiser will be going towards it. The total costs of the fryer is $5995.00.

Garage Sale!

Activation Leisure is looking to have another garage sale this summer. After having such a successful turn out last year, folks have decided to put one on again! There is no set date yet, however, we’re confident that the program will let us know!

Ryall Road Gardens Project

Our very own Ryall Rd. group home is now hosting the gardens permanently. The space is vast, the opportunities endless! The Cowichan community usually responded in a big way! A local service club has agreed to donate the labour to build the gardeners a home base. We’ve already amassed a few piles of donated soil and gravel for paths plus many community businesses have given us lots of lovely starter vegetables and flowers to add to our new garden beds. We are well on our way and the folks have been busy “bees” trying to get things ready for our first growing season.

Ryall Road Gardens

Ryall Road Gardens

Children’s Family Support Program

The CFS after school program is coming to an end, but overall it was an excellent year! Unfortunately it is time to say some goodbyes as it is some peoples last year with us. We wish them the best of luck in their futures. The Shawnigan Lake school also hosted a BBQ for the group. It was very good and we deeply appreciate it! The summer CFS program will be starting up in July and will be taking place at the Moose Lodge.

Cowichan Valley Child Care Resource and Referral

Cowichan Valley CCRR is a program of Children’s Services at the Clements Centre Society. We provide services to families, child care providers and the communities from Saltair to the Malahat including Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Duncan, Kuper Island, Lake Cowichan, Mill Bay, Nitinat, Shawnigan Lake and Thetis Island. Our program is one of 41 CCRR programs in British Columbia.

Child Care Resource and Referral

Child Care Resource and Referral

In January, after many years of with the Clements Centre, Sandy Lowery retired from her position as a CCRR consultant. Andrea Weir was the successful candidate for Sandy’s position. Catherine Carter Clark and I are pleased to welcome Andrea to the CCRR team.

As licensed Early Childhood Educators and parents, we know how overwhelming it can be to search for child care. We meet with families in several valley communities and in the office to encourage them to make informed child care choices. We also ask families to contact the CCRR for referrals to family and group child care programs.

Another CCRR service to families is to assist them to apply for Ministry for Children and Family Development Child Care Subsidy. Many Duncan parents walk to our downtown office to pick up the forms or for help to complete and fax them to MCFD for processing.

While our main focus is with License-Not-Required family child cares and family child care businesses, we also support group centre’s by offering workshops, courses and lending toys and equipment.

Want more info on Vancouver Island CCRR’s? Go to:

Myna Thompson, Program Coordinator

Shawnigan Shenanigans

Our first two years together have been a great success. We have shown the community we are here and have been embraced by all. This success has allowed us to expand in numbers of participants.

On Dec 1 2009, we moved to our new location in Cobble Hill, we now have a wonderful house with yard and gardens. This move has expanded our opportunities to include daily household and gardening skills development. We have started a cooking class which includes menu planning, budgeting, shopping and cooking a complete meal.

Our participants deliver a newspaper route, wash RCMP cars, and volunteer at the Salvation Army. It has not been all work, we’ve had fun accessing the local parks, restaurants and swimming pools. We have taken day trips to the IMAX, the Chemainus Theatre and so much more. We are an active busy group, so please call ahead if you plan to visit.

We are celebrated our second anniversary on April 30th with a BBQ which was attended by many of the Clements Centre folks. It was a great party and annual event. We look forward to seeing you here and sharing our lovely surroundings at the South End.

Supported Independent Living Program

SILP continues to support 13 folks who are living independently in the community in a variety of situations. The support the clients receive is tailored for each individual, according to their personal goals and needs.

Clements Centre Society had to say goodbye to our full time SILP worker, Rebecca, who moved up to Fort St. John in January 2010. SILP clients and Clements staff are all missing her. Wendy Zeer has taken the full time position and is happy to be back in SILP again.

In February we were pleased to be able to exit one person from our program as she no longer needed SILP support and is continuing to live on her own very successfully. Another client, James Batchelor, was given the opportunity to be a proud volunteer during the Olympic Games in Vancouver. It has been great for the rest of us here at CCS, who didn’t get a chance to get there, to hear his stories and adventures.

With summer approaching SILP is looking forward to starting up the coffee house once a month on Friday evenings. Everyone is welcome to drop in for music, dancing and good times. Call Wendy or Marlene for more information and dates at 250 746-4135 ext: 232. We look forward to seeing you!

Shop at Thrifty’s?

Do you shop at Thrifty Foods? Contact us about our Smile Card Fundraiser – an easy way to help raise funds for Clements Centre.

Mount Washington

Russell and Kevan enjoyed the winter wonderland at Mt Washington this year. They enjoyed activities such as snow tubing, nature walks, hot tubbing and some of the fine food the mountain had to offer.

Make a Donation

Give the gift of hope, belonging, and independence to children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities with a gift to Clements Centre for Society.